
Friday, May 4, 2012


It has been a while since I have updated this thing. Lots has been going on since my last post. We have moved into our new home and it is starting to come together. We still have some decorating to do, but we are just taking that slow. We have had 2 baby showers for baby Addison. We have received so many things for her from our sweet family and friends. I don't know what we would do without them all. We are starting to get her room put together. I can't wait to have it finished. I will post pictures when we are done. Baby Addison is jut growing away and everything has been going pretty smoothly. I am 33 weeks, 5 weeks to go. It seems like it has gone by so fast. I am getting exctied and nervous about meeting our little girl. We are rounding out this school year. We have less than a month to go. As of right now, I will be teaching 3rd grade next year instead of 5th grade. Talk about a change. haha. Kyle is trucking along with work and being awesome about getting projects done at our new house. We are going to get a 4D ultrasound next week and I am so excited to see baby Addison. We haven't had a sono since we found out we were having a girl. :) Thats it for now. Pictures of our home and baby Addison will be up soon, so check back for that. Love you all.

Monday, February 20, 2012


As many of you know, Kyle and I have been looking for a house. We have been on the search since November and we finally found one! We are so excited about our first home. It is perfect for our little family and even perfect for us to grow into. The house is in Mckinney, but still Frisco School District. We are not far from my work at all and we are basically still in Frisco. We will be really close to a golf course, which is great for Kyle, maybe he will teach me how to play now haha. :) We will be moving into our new home the beginning of April. As soon as we get into the house I will post pictures of our process and updates on the house!! Things are finally looking up for Kyle and I and we could not be happier right now. We have a healthy baby Addison growing in my tummy and a beautiful home to call our own. :)

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Hey all,
Thursday was the moment of truth. We found out if we are going to be seeing a lot of blue or pink for Baby Roberts. We are having a GIRL!!! Ms. Addison Lynn Roberts!! We are so excited to welcome her into the world. Even though Kyle wanted a little boy, he is happy with a girl. He knows she will have him wrapped around his little finger. Our little girl will be a great golfer and hunter if Kyle has anything to do with it. Now the real fun begins, finding furniture, bedding, and everything else PINK!!! Here is one of Addison's first pictures!!! Hope you enjoy! Love you all.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


As many of you know, Graci is my absolutly adorable dog!! She is my world and I could not fathum not having her here with me. My mom and Eric rescued her about 6 years ago, and asked if I wanted her, since I had been talking about getting a dog. I wasn't too excited about the idea when my mom told me she was a poodle, but I went to my mom's to meet her. As soon as I saw Graci, I fell in love with her. She was so cute, and not a poodle at all, yes she has curly, poodle hair, but she is a mix of maltese too. I guess Graci liked me too because she would not leave my side the whole time I was at my mom's. I knew that I had found my doggy!! :)
How cute is she???!!! :)

Since before Thanksgiving, I noticed Graci was acting weird and not feeling well. I took her to the vet and found out that she had a stone in her bladder. They ran a lot of tests and took Xrays. They said that they could maybe make it dissolve with a special diet, but it wasn't for sure. They gave her medicine to take, and about 2 weeks later, she had not gotten any better. I decided it was time to just remove the stone, so she could get back to normal and stop being in pain. We got her an appointment for surgery on Thusday this past week. It was so hard on me, A. because I am a big baby when it comes to my dog, and B. because she has never had to have surgery since I have had her. I took her in before work that day and cried like a big baby. They told me that if all goes well and she is up walking around, I would be able to take her home that afternoon. I got the call about 3:00 Thursday afternoon that Graci was doing great and I could go pick her up whenever!! I was so excited and ready to see my puppy!!! Graci had a hard night Thursday because she was sore and was hurting, but as the days have gone on, she has been recovering so well. Today, she is eating like normal, running up and down the stairs and jumping on and off the couch. She is such a strong dog and I am so glad she is doing great!!!!! I can't wait for Graci to meet our little baby in June, I just know she is going to be a protective little dog to the baby, and make sure nothing happens to the baby!! :)

Monday, January 9, 2012


Welcome to our blog. Kyle and I wanted to make a blog to keep you all updated about everything going on in our life right now. We hope you enjoy it!!! :)

New Year!!!

Hi All,

It has been a crazy last few months for Kyle and me. As you all know, we got married in December. It has been a non-stop ride since then, with Christmas trips to see my mom, then to Levelland to be with my family and  finally to Waco to be with Kyle's family. We sure are ready for some down time. We are so excited for year 2012!! We found out we are having a BABY!!!! YAH!! We are getting super excited as we are getting closer to finding out what we are having. Of course, Kyle wants a boy so he can take him hunting, fishing, golfing and all that fun stuff. I want a girl because, I mean, lets face it, how fun is it to buy all the fluffy pink things for a girl. :) But seriously, I just want to have a healthy baby no matter what it is, girl or boy. The last few Dr. appointments have gone great. Everything is looking good and healthy, so we could not be any happier! On top of our exciting news about the baby, we are currently in the search for our first home together. It is a slow and frustrating process, but we are having fun with it and taking our time to find the perfect house to call our home. Thats all for now, make sure you check back at the end of the month to see if we are having a boy or a girl!! :)